4 Places You’re Forgetting to Clean

Home Cleaners 4 You Can Help!

Cleaning can be a lot of hard work, especially if you have a large home.

You have every room and every surface to wipe down, disinfect, pick up, mop, broom, vacuum, and more. With so many different areas to clean, house cleaning can be overwhelming.

Home Cleaners 4 You offers top-rated house cleaning services in Alexandria. Our professional cleaners have years of experience and can't wait to help you have a clean, safe home. Below, we'll take a look at four places that you are most likely forgetting to clean. Reach out to our cleaning company for a free estimate today!

home cleaners 4 you in alexandria remembers to clean your light switches

Light Switches

We touch our light switches so often that we forget to clean them because of the frequency of use. If you have kids, you may clean these more frequently because you'll notice if food gets on them. However, since we touch light switches so often in our homes, they can harbor a lot of germs. Be sure to disinfect them regularly to keep you and your family safe.

Shower Curtains

Shower curtains are forgotten because we only use them once a day, and when we do use them, we are often half asleep. Many shower curtains are machine washable, making them super easy to throw in the washing machine a few times a year. However, if your shower curtain is plastic or some other vinyl material, simply wipe down with a sponge and some soap to refresh it.

home cleaners 4 you in alexandria remembers to clean your shower curtains
home cleaners 4 you in alexandria remembers to clean your baseboards


We don’t think about the baseboards, mainly because you just don't notice them too often. After all, they sit down low to the floor, out of the way. However, dirt, dust, and grime love baseboards and are more than happy to hang out till the end of time. To clean, you simply wipe down with a damp cloth.

Ceiling Fans

Another often-forgotten item to clean is your ceiling fan. Again, you just don't look up all that much to notice the inch layer of dust on your ceiling fan. However, you might notice it the first time you turn your ceiling fan on for the summer and dust flies everywhere. Take a damp cloth and wipe down your ceiling fan's blades and other surfaces, and you're good to go!

home cleaners 4 you in alexandria remembers to clean your ceiling fans

Home Cleaners 4 You offers exceptional house cleaning services in Alexandria that ensure these often-forgotten places to clean are not forgotten. Our professional cleaners provide thorough maid service every time. Contact us for a free estimate today!


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